Main fields of our activity are the assessment of the sites having contaminated soil and/or groundwater, planning of the remediation and carry on the implementation.

Environmental assessments, audits, screening, environmental impact studies.

Feasibility and action plans of remediation, authorization and implantation.

On-site and off-site remediation by biological, chemical and physical methods.

Construction and operation of groundwater treatment facilities.

Planning, installing and maintenance of monitoring systems.

Soil drilling, accredited sampling of surface and subsurface water, sewage, soil, soil gas, biogas and depony gas, on-site accredited analysis of soil gas, biogas and landfill gas.

Waste management planning,  revegetation plans, plans and implementation of extraction and utilization of depony gas.

Landscape planning, remediation and revegetation of brownfields

Research and development


Contacts us at one of our contacts!




Dr. Peter Szabo
special engineer for soil science

executive director

Peter Daniel Szabo
environmental engineer

landscape engineer
QC leader
deputy director

Zoltan Gergely Szabo
office head

Csilla Török
landscape engineer


Ferenc Török