Licenses of the company and the staff

Company`s identification: Cg. 01-09-564493, valid for indefinite time
MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 quality system (503/0325), valid till November 27. 2025.
MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system (KIR/175), valid till November 27. 2025.

Accredited testing laboratory (issued by National Accreditation Office: NAH-1-1642/2023) valid: November 20. 2028. Accreditation covers:
1. Sampling of surface and subsurface water for physical, chemical (general chemical, organic and inorganic micropollutants), ecotoxicology investigations
2. Sampling of sewage for physical, chemical (general chemical, organic and inorganic micropollutants), ecotoxicology investigations
3. Sampling of soil for physical, chemical (general chemical, organic and inorganic micropollutants), ecotoxicology investigations
4. Sampling of soil gas, biogas, landfill gas for chemical (organic and inorganic micropollutants) investigations
5. On-site investigation of surface and subsurface water and sewages
6. On-site investigation of soil gas, biogas, landfill gas
SZKV-1.1. – Environmental expert licence in the field of waste management : 141/2/01/2018., valid for indefinite time
SZKV-1.2. – Environmental expert licence in the field of air protection : 142/2/01/2018., valid for indefinite time
SZKV-1.3. – Expert licence for water and soil conservation: 584/2013., 143/2/01/2018., valid for indefinite time
SZVV-3.10. – Expert licence in the field of water analysis and water quality protection: 144/2/01/2018., valid for indefinite time
VZ-TEL – Settlement water utility planning: 01-37/2018, valid: January 24., 2028.
VZ-TER – Water management construction unit planning: 01-37/2018, valid: January 24., 2028.
VZ-VKG – Water supply management construction unit planning: 01-37/2018, valid: January 24., 2028.